Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jason Belicove, Class of '02

Jason lives in the Fingerlakes Region of NYS and agreed to interview with me yesterday.

Partners in Policymaking was valuable for me because I learned a lot of interesting stuff. I learned about public speaking--that the 'microphone is my friend!' I learned about it and I got to practice it. A lot!

I met new people that I didn't know from around the state and I keep in touch with local people and people from Buffalo. Sometimes I get to see people from other areas at conferences or meetings.

I recommend Partners because it teaches you a lot and makes you grow. It made me grow.

After Partners I became a member of Self Advocacy Americorps and then was hired by them Then I worked as part of the Speakers Bureau and went places to teach people about disability awareness. I did it as a job for my term, and now as a volunteer.

I also volunteer at the Jewish Home. I had a contact there because my mother works there and I am a transporter for dental services.

I am active in the Self-Advocacy Association of NYS and I have advocated in many ways: with our regional transit authority about transportation, about Tropic Thunder, and more.

I am active in SOAR--the self-advocacy association through the Arc and I helped another agency set up their SA group as well. I have attended conferences in Batavia and Albany and SALT (Self-Advocacy Leadership Training) as well.

I am very interested in photography, I have recently joined a photography club and I want to take some courses and find a job using photography in the future.

(You will see many of his pictures on this blog!)